Working Hard for our Haisley Huskies!
The Haisley Elementary School PTO is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3) organization that exists to fulfill its three- pronged mission of bridging the learning environment between school and home, enriching the Ann Arbor Public School curriculum and promoting social responsibility within our student and parent population.
With the consistent budget cuts in the school district, the PTO has become a large source of funding for the programs and activities at our school. The PTO funds science programs such as Science Olympiad and squid dissection, reading programs such as Book Bowl, Time magazine readers for kids, and computer reading programs. The PTO also funds educational field trips and assemblies, the Summer Learning Program, curriculum grants for teachers, and community events such as Math Night, Reading Night, and Heritage Festival, which celebrates the diversity of our school’s families.
Our biggest fundraiser is the annual Silent Auction, held every spring. This year we raised nearly $22,000! What a testament to a supportive community. Thank you to all our donors, parents and community members who came out to support Haisley!
We rely heavily on the generous donations of our community to assist us in achieving our goal of making Haisley an exemplary learning community. The Haisley PTO engages in year-round fundraising efforts to support the activities and programs that we provide for our 300+ student population. There are a few simple and easy ongoing ways you can support the Haisley PTO without much time or effort at all!
EGGS (Everyone Goes Grocery Shopping): Find more information and how to link your favorite grocery store rewards card to Haisley.
Amazon Smile: Designating Otto W Haisley School PTO as your charity of choice through makes donating by shopping very easy and it doesn’t cost you a thing!
Domino’s Pizza Night: Once a month, let Domino’s do the cooking for your family, and earn 25% cash back for Haisley. A delicious and easy way to help out.
Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop: Shopping at the Thrift Shop earns Haisley money for bus transportation for field trips. The more you shop there in Haisley’s name, the more we earn!
Donate via Paypal: You are welcome to donate any amount to Haisley’s paypal account any time throughout the year using this link.
With the consistent budget cuts in the school district, the PTO has become a large source of funding for the programs and activities at our school. The PTO funds science programs such as Science Olympiad and squid dissection, reading programs such as Book Bowl, Time magazine readers for kids, and computer reading programs. The PTO also funds educational field trips and assemblies, the Summer Learning Program, curriculum grants for teachers, and community events such as Math Night, Reading Night, and Heritage Festival, which celebrates the diversity of our school’s families.
Our biggest fundraiser is the annual Silent Auction, held every spring. This year we raised nearly $22,000! What a testament to a supportive community. Thank you to all our donors, parents and community members who came out to support Haisley!
We rely heavily on the generous donations of our community to assist us in achieving our goal of making Haisley an exemplary learning community. The Haisley PTO engages in year-round fundraising efforts to support the activities and programs that we provide for our 300+ student population. There are a few simple and easy ongoing ways you can support the Haisley PTO without much time or effort at all!
EGGS (Everyone Goes Grocery Shopping): Find more information and how to link your favorite grocery store rewards card to Haisley.
Amazon Smile: Designating Otto W Haisley School PTO as your charity of choice through makes donating by shopping very easy and it doesn’t cost you a thing!
Domino’s Pizza Night: Once a month, let Domino’s do the cooking for your family, and earn 25% cash back for Haisley. A delicious and easy way to help out.
Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop: Shopping at the Thrift Shop earns Haisley money for bus transportation for field trips. The more you shop there in Haisley’s name, the more we earn!
Donate via Paypal: You are welcome to donate any amount to Haisley’s paypal account any time throughout the year using this link.